
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Oh My BARLEY BEAUTY BLISS! Facial & Body Scrubs


Oh My

FACIAL wash, scrub & mask
& BODY scrub
(super fresh & silky skin!)

b e a u t y b l i s s

e q u i p m e n t

  • pot barley
  • grinder
    i use a coffee grinder
  • bottles & jars


Summer 2014...more B3

Super Enjoy more Barley Beauty BLISS! I have not put the other barley bliss recipes one by one. As I said. Here they are all in one post. After all it is the same base! Grounded whole barley! Just a matter of texture, more or less gritty, of the flour.

facial/body wash, scrub & mask

BBB#1+2 facial wash & mask

WASH: Grind the barley grains to fine flour. Take a few table spoons of flour and add some teaspoons of water and mix it to a milky cream. I have a glass jar in the bathroom and take 1 table-spoon directly in my hand, adding water, and mix it in the hands. MASK: Make a thicker sloppy dough and cover the face. Let it dry. Silky skin!

BBB#3 facial scrub

Grind the grains less than the facial wash. Gritty texture. Do the same as above. Mix it the hands or do facial scrub balls (pic below) The Scrub is ready! Faster than the speed of light. I like the scrub balls. Invented because it was just fun working with the texture in the hands. This is a gentle scrub.

BBB#4 body scrub

Well, grind even less than the facial scrub! I mixed the grounded flour with grounded whole lavender for a nice fragrance. (pic below)

texture ~scrub

It's easy to take to the shower/tub. Small scrubbing balls!

texture ~wash

Something like this!

scrub! scrub! scrub!

Saturday, June 21, 2014



Oh My

skin freshener
(super refreshing)

b e a u t y b l i s s

e q u i p m e n t

  • one part of pot barley
  • three parts of water
  • spray bottles

    fill the spray bottles and drink the rest of the water


Summer 2014 - B3

I didn't search for it really. Even if natural beauty production is a G R A N D interest. This one though, just manifested itself in front of me, as a bi manifestation from a decision of growing more barley grass. Remedies & recipes, both internal & external, were flooding my way. A NEW BEAUTY WORLD! The World of Beauty by Barley! From ancient Greek, to modern Asia and India; humans before us have all used barley as a beauty product and internal cleanser throughout history. And still do. Early summer 2014 I entered this world too! Changing beauty life! All my skin care is now purely barley based for the summer. BBB: Beauty Bliss by Barley.

Yin and Cool

Barley has a cooling effect of the body according the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In addition to view food in just vitamins, minerals, proteins etc., TCM add energy properties. Energy and the movement in the body. The effect the food has on the body, not the food itself. The five energies are cold, hot, warm, cool and neutral. Barley is defined as Ying and cool. Even if drinking hot barley water (tea), the effect on the body system is coolness. The facial water is nice to spray on the face during hot days. It is so simple, easy and time efficient to make. A b s o l u t l e y G e n i u s!

... more B3

I'm now 'cooking' four products in my basic 'body and face' care this summer. I have used them all daily for nearly a week. 1) Barley Facial Scrub 2) Barley Facial Wash 3) Barley Facial Water and 4) Barley Facial Mask 5) Barley Body Scrub. That's five! It's so magic I can't keep track of all the barley remedies I'm cooking! Me and Barley are ONE I guess, as eating, drinking barley (grass juice and barley water) and barley all over the body. All products are made of whole grain barley. Nothing else. Barley grains = A glowing, clean and silky skin! The blood circulation gets activated when using the barley mask and one feels how productive barley is to work with the skin. I like Barley.

Super Enjoy Your Barley Beauty BLISS! I will post all beauty by barley recipes, one by one.

how to make barley facial water

clean the grains

Clean the grains properly. I put the grains in a bowl with cold water and stir. Rinse and repeat.

boil barley & water

Bring to boil and then simmer for 20 mins. Keep a lid on.

color shade after boiling

Gold-ish in colour. Smells good. Taste good too.

fill all the spray bottles you've got!

I use these small ones (got them in my favorite chinese store in Barcelona). I filled them w/rose-water I got from the Pakistan store; rose-water facial. Perfect during hot hiking days. I've got bottles everywhere, in all bags! Keeping the ones I don't use in the fridge.

spray! spray! spray!

Thursday, June 19, 2014




Oh My


t r a y s

The main garden - office windows

A little garden - kitchen windows

The kitchen table garden - not suppose to be a garden...(a tray free zone)

An empty window for tomorrows trays!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Oh My

sprouted barley
fennel & himalayan salt

g r a i n s

e q u i p m e n t

  • any amount of whole grains, barley, wheat, rye
    2,5 cups/6 dl sprouted barley = 12 thick crackers
  • herbs, e.g carrot flakes, fennel, basil, oregano, himalayan salt.
  • food blender


Peak Performance Crackers

Enzymes are the workers in the body. Like Work Ants are for the Queen Ant. She wouldn't survive without her worker ants. Our body can not build anything with all the building material we eat (vitamins, minerals, all nutrition) without the enzymes. Enzymes effectiveness depends on the temperature. They have their peak performance at 98.6F/37C and get lazy with increasing temperature. Boiled food = Lazy workers. When seeds come into contact with water, the enzymes are awoken and increase. They get activated.

The easiest way to control temperature is by using a food dehydrator. I had to use the oven for these crackers, when I made them yesterday. Lowest temperture is 160F/60C on my stove, so not really 'peak performance' crackers in this case. Now writing this blog, I'm having a cup of coffee and a cracker! (pic below). After a wheat grass shot and a green drink earlier, it's BLISS to have coffee and a cracker. One is full 'til lunch.

Preparation time

It takes 2 days to sprout the seeds, the time making them approx 20-30 min + time to dehydrate. Oven, 45 mins. These became a little bit soft, more like bread crackers as they were quite thick. When using the food dehydrator it is easier to get hard thin crackers.

One feels so good eating them. And never one needs to get bored, just change the flavor of the herbs. One favorite of mine are pizza crackers; oregano, basil and a thin slice of tomato on top. Enjoy!

enzyme curve

I like my enzyme workers ready to climb Mount Everest, not any lazy enzymes numbed down by heat...efficiency in converting food to energy (coffee & chocolate enzymes can be as lazy as they wish...)

how to make a cracker of sprouted seeds

sprouted seeds

Clean and rinse the seeds. Any seed works for making crackers. I normally use wheat seeds, but I had too many sprouted barley seeds ready. Time to make crackers with excited enzymes that is! The roots should be the same length as the seeds (approx 2 days sprouting.) Barley sprouts faster than wheat.


Put the sprouted seeds in a food mixer. Mix until the seeds have become a dough. Use a spoon now and then, to keep the seeds in the middle of the blender. Start with low speed and then increase to max speed.

add herbs

A single herb or a combination of herbs. Or just salt (e.g Himalayan.) Or no herbs. Carrot flakes with fennel is a nice combination.

grounded himalayan salt & fennel

I ground the fennel seeds and the Himalayan salt. Put it into the blender and mix it with the seed dough. Blend again.


Take the seeds and knead it. Roll out and cut pieces. This dough is a small one. Size of a tennis ball.


12 crackers. Size of Classic Swedish meat balls. Triple purpose with sesame seeds.

1) Prevent sticking
2) Taste good
3) Nice decoration


Use your hand or a lid. I used a lid, and trimmed the sides with a knife.

oh la la!#1 super tasty Barley Crackers!

oh la la! #2 Coffee & Cracker!

Sunday, June 15, 2014



Oh My

cleanser recipe
kidneys and bladder

t a s t y

e q u i p m e n t

  • ½ cup of whole barley
  • 5 cups of water
  • ¼ of a cinnamon stick
  • Grated ginger to your taste
  • Freshly squeezed juice of 1-2 lemons

Source: original recipe


Your way, the Ancient way or the Modern way

Barley Water is a drink that figures in many cultures / civilizations throughout history. (Greek, Rome, Egypt, China). In Ancient Greek it has an active role in the literature e.g Homeric texts; the Iliad and the Odyssey. It is a drink used as a basic peasants health drink to an initiations ceremony drink in mystery schools. (Eleusinian Mysteries). From health to altering mind purposes. In our modern civilization it is still present. Adding sugar seem to be the modern way to do it. In Mexico it is called 'Agua Fresca' often with different kinds of sweetener. In England barley water has been common, both as a tonic and soda 'British lemon barley water'. One just need to put barley water and a country on Google and see every country has their own use and recipes.

Many flavors, many purposes

The purpose shifts with what kind of herbs one adds in the barley water. If you would like to try the initiation drink you must get the parasite fungus 'ergot' from barely and wheat grain. If you want to cleanse the bladder and kidneys: lemons, cinnamon and ginger. If you would like it the way the Greek goddess Demeter, goddess of harvest and the goddess who presided the grains, drank it; add mentha/mint and honey. If you want it the way the Egyptians and Vikings drank it: Drink beer! The Egyptians also drank pure Barley water as a general drink to stay healthy. When reading about it, it seems to be a general basic health drink all over our planet, throughout history. The health benefits range from better skin complexion to expelling toxins to prevention of urinary tract infection and etc. All depends what herb you add. Mainly functions as a major cleanser and detox for the body. Food is true medicine.

How can I have missed the existence of Barley Water?!

The other day I decided to juice more barely grass, maybe 50/50 to wheat grass. I had x-tra barely thoughts on my mind. At least once a day I drink a cup of barley coffee. An attempt to cut down coffee. Not sure it is working, I think the barley coffee is just an extra pleasure...Anyway, I ordered an extra large amount of barley grains, but I was thinking, 'what on earth shall I do with all those barley grains!" The day after, Barley Water was flooding in via articles, cleansing remedies everywhere (yesterday June 14)! I just felt it. I must drink it! How can I have missed the existences of Barley Water?! Now I know what to do with my extra amount of barley seeds when they arrive; barley grass juice and barley water. (Perhaps not with the fungus, but I will make a batch with Mentha/Mint though. The Goddess Demeter way.)

It taste absolutely wonderful! One feel wonderful too! Instantly! Enjoy making and drinking it! There is something about barley... Drink it and feel it. Do it the Greek way, the Egyptian/Viking way, all the other ways or your way. Enjoy this recipe; a bladder and kidney cleanser. The batch I did yesterday is gone. Drank it all! At once!

how to make barley water

whole pot barley

Clean and rinse the seeds.

a little piece of cinnamon

Take a piece of a cinnamon stick.

a little piece of ginger

I used all of it on pic.

1-2 lemons

The lemon juice is squeezed into the Barley Water when it has cooled off.

simmer time

Put all of the ingredients in a pot. Simmer for 20 min. Keep the lid on.

20 mins later

Golden color. Smells LOVLEY! Drink 1-3 cups daily. I drank it hot when it was ready. But taste even better when cooled off. Read more about this cleans version of the Barley Water.

oh la la! super tasty Barley Water!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Oh My TREE SEEDS! A 10 day performance in the same tray



A 10 DAY PERFORMANCE in the same tray

The Three Seeds
Wheat, Barley & Rye
& Grass Talk

j u n e 6

g r a s s


The Three Seeds

In the following 10 days three different kinds of grass seeds will grow in the same tray. They all have different flavors when they are juiced, also significant differences in color shades, grass length and width, when growing and transforming into their own specific grass identity. It will be easy to see how different green grass can be when they are in the same tray, growing together. As soon as the root mat is developed and can be lifted, a photographic close up underneath will be taken day by day too. Exciting times ahead of us!... Please take your seats. The seeds growing performance will soon begin.

Between the pieces, when we have enjoyed The Three Seeds performance above and underneath the soil, I will take the opportunity to speak whilst they prep for the next day. Lets look and speak about what we find underneath the statement 'its healthy to drink wheatgrass juice'. In general most people find it a little bit of a 'weirdo thing to do', grow grass indoors and Oh My! then also juice it and drink it. My intention is to convert it's weirdness into logic. A logic based on my own understanding of photosynthesis (from an earlier education included plant anatomy) and human life/evolution (how I view life today). I will start from the beginning of the photosynthesis, view it as objectively as I can, and break it down to why a pigment in a plant has maximum benefits for a human physical body. We will see where we will end up! And what each day will contain. Day by day. Bit by bit. Now, please silence! The Three Seeds are ready. It's showtime! Welcome Chlorophyll People, Grass People, ladies & gentlemen, and others of all kinds.

Showtime! 10 days in the same tray

evening prep

May 27th. Rinsed well. Soaking over night. The temp is 60-70F/15-20C. The amount of time soaking is different for different seeds. The soaking time for Rye, Wheat and Barley are the same, 8-12 hrs. 2-3 parts water to 1 part seed as a general key. Usually I use larger jars, but today when soaking they were all occupied. One can never have to many jars.

day 1, may 28


Here in lovely, cold and rainy England, 1-2 times rinsing/day is enough. Spain, Costa Rica and California people/friends might have to rinse 3 times/day. Enjoy! But you got the SUN. It's fair. Barley (t.l), Rye (mdl), Wheat (t.r)


Rinsed. Drained. Continuation of germination.

Photosynthesis, the big picture: Collaboration between a star and a planet

The Sun and the Earth are in collaboration when transforming/converting the suns electromagnetic energy into chemical energy. The meeting place where this transformation takes place are, as we know, the plants here on Earth. Humans have a dual function in this project. Our role is to benefit from the production but also provide building material.
When we ship things we usually wrap them up before shipment. So does the sun. The electromagnetic energy from the sun is shaped in 2 forms. Waves and particles. One aspect of the energy gets the function to become shipment material like a box. How clever. The waves just get wrapped up with the particles. The 'boxes' are called Photons. When the packing is done, it is sent down to Earth (super fast delivery). Material from the Earth is provided without any shipment needed; water, soil with elements from underneath each plant and humans breathing out carbon dioxide. We now can see the main parts in this project; a team; a Star, a Planet, Plants and Humans, a transport system and building material. The process of production can now begin.

day 2, may 29


Rinsed. Drained. Germination process is active. Barley (t.l), Rye (mdl) and Wheat (t.r) in the big pic above.


Rinsed. Drained. Back into the tray. Barley (t.l), Wheat (mdl) and Rye (t.r) in the small pic to the left.

Photosynthesis 1:2 - Understanding a process

Before we get into any detail of the production, lets look at the Photosynthesis itself as a process. A production process. One can see photosynthesis has three inputs (resources) and two outputs (products). Inputs in form of 1. Electromagnetic energy from the sun, 2. Carbon dioxide and 3. Water. The two outputs are 1. Carbohydrates (chemical energy stored as glucose) and 2. Oxygen. This shape shift of energy from one form to another, are made via actions with different kinds of values, step by step, leading to the desired outcome, the products. For a company on the planet Earth, the outcomes purpose is to satisfy a specific group with specific needs. The outcome itself transforms needs to satisfaction. (e.g a happy customer of some sort). We got inputs and outputs in our process. Good beginning, but we need more information to know if Chlorophyll in form of wheatgrass juice is 'healthy' to drink for humans.

Looking at the Photosynthesis as a process, using quality management as model and tool, one has some basic questions at hand to make photosynthesis more clear. Questions one can ask are: WHAT IS THE -Purpose, -Scope, -Inputs, -Outputs, and Controls, -Resources? with the photosynthesis. As my own mind is process oriented and used to this model; there might be other tools better than this, but deep water will be near if using tools I don't know how they work. So, let start here tomorrow, viewing photosynthesis as a process. Ask the first and basic questions one does when a process is identified and implementing a quality system in a company.

day 3, may 30


In soil. Barley (t.l), Rye (mdl) and Wheat (t.r). Rinsed. Drained. Covered with plastic film.


Same as daytime. Keeping the tray covered.

Photosynthesis 2:2 - Process: 'Light is putting together'

First thing one can see is that this is a process one would label as a core or key process. A major process with groups of other processes connected to it. It's a process converting 'invisible' energy to something visible (matter). It sustains life on the planet Earth. I have never labelled a process as magical, but this one deserves some magic. We can also see it is a clear production process as the name Photosynthesis meaning reveals 'Light is putting together'... Now lets look at the answers.


Light is putting together.
(Definition of Photosyntheses: Light is putting together. From Greek words: phōs, "light", and σύνθεσις, synthesis, "putting together")

What is/are the purpose/s?

The purpose is to transform something inorganic (electromagnetic energy) to organic (chemical energy).
This is a first level answer as it can be answered from many levels, depending on ones perspective (human evolution, life on earth, food chains). For now an answer in the frame of processes. An objective and overall view.

What are the inputs?

Electromagnetic energy. Carbon dioxide. Water. Soil and elements.

What is the scope?

The beginning is electromagnetic energy and the end are green leaves.

What are the outputs?

Chemical energy, stored in the plants in form of sugar (glucose) and oxygen. Oxygen is seen as a waste product.

What are the controls?

A common definition of quality is “Delighting the customer by fully meeting their needs and expectations”. Who is the customer? We need to define that first.

What are the resources?

The sun, our earth, water, carbon dioxide, soil and elements.

We have defined the process and have some comprehensive answers. Now we need to overview the consumers/customers. We have to dwell a bit in the food chains and the ecosystem. It might be like going back to 5th grade in school. But in the basics, we might find some answers as to why it is logical to drink Chlorophyll. Human evolution is another aspect one must add other than food chains, but we will remain in the chains for now.

day 4, may 31


It's growing! Wheat (t.l), Rye (mdl) and Barley (t.r). Wheat is darker green in colour than Barley. Growing stronger too. Rye is more redish in color.


Removed plastic over night. The root mat will be lifted tomorrow for the first time. Not so stable this morning.

Food chains 1:3 - Lets eat some autotrophs!

If we jump to the nutritional chain, the food chain, we learn that we can follow the pathway of energy/nutrition in an ecosystem via primarily consumers, secondary consumers and top consumers. Plants are described as producers . The producers are called autotrophs, meaning they don't need to eat others to get nutrition as they get it directly via the photosynthesis ("self-feeding", from the Greek autos "self" and trophe "nourishing"). They are seen as the first level in any food chains. Nutrition directly from the source, no levels up in the chain. Number one. Humans and animals can't convert electro magnetic energy directly; 'drinking nor eating' the sun like plants do. Maybe we can, but don't yet know it...As no one have told us. One has to experiment, if one want to know if it works. But we leave that subject for now. Next will be who resides in the different groups of consumers.

day 5, june 1


Grass! Wheat (t.l), Rye (mdl) and Barley (t.r).


Just some water. I can't find the root mat pic! Enjoy a definition of the food chain instead. Root mat tomorrow!

Food chains 2:3 - Whom eats Whom?

Humans are described as omnivores (secondary consumers) in this chain, we eat both plants and animals. We have the carnivores (top consumers); animals that eat other animals. And then we also got the herbivores (primarily consumers) that eat the producers (the plants) only. If one looks at any images about the food chain, it's always animals that eat plants. Humans eat the animals. That is our role in illustrations about whom eats whom. I have not seen any image where humans are equal to e.g a deer and eats plants. It is said according to reports humans eats 80% plants (serial, fruits, veggies) and 20 % meat from animals. Whatever the numbers are, in general we eat less meat than plants. Even if not often ILLUSTRATED (never seen one) in food chains, all nutrition can be gained from plants. We don't NEED meat to survive. As we as humans can digest both meat and plants. We have a CHOICE with our dual digestive system. Tomorrow I will answer the question if I think I'm a rabbit?

day 6, june 2


Grass! Wheat (t.l), Rye (mdl) and Barley (t.r).


Wheat (t.l) is the tallest grass, dark green. Barley (t.r) is lighter in shade, shorter. Rye (mdl) redish.

Food chains 3:3 - Do I think I'm a rabbit?

This is the food chain in the big picture. The main groups and levels. Our minds are programmed to believe that BEING LAST IN THE CHAIN MEANS BEING ON TOP! This image is in our backbones as a belief about what to eat, and whom eats whom. We eat others, we don't get eaten. We eat the sun energy transferred in a system of different physical bodies instead of directly from source without transfer. We are on top of the food chain?!

I would like, as with many things: shift /convert the food chain, up side down. Put the rabbits first, on top, and humans on the bottom. As we eat second hand and rabbits eat first hand. Rabbits on top. Humans at rock bottom. This image would bring another view to values, attitude and eating patterns into our minds. A new programming. Being last, does not mean being first, or on top, anywhere else. Only in food intake. Second hand usually means the peak of the quality already have been used.

We eat others, we don't get eaten = Power. We are omnivores, as a fact, but WE MUST EAT MEAT too. Says the chain. Otherwise, we are rabbits according our fellow meat eating humans. 'Rabbit food' is efficient and directly from the source. Why eat second hand? Eat efficiently like the rabbits, does not mean you become one.

day 7, june 3

Plant blood & Human blood - anything in common?

This is a key factor, the similarity between plant blood (chlorophyll) and human blood (hemaglobin) to why it is 'healthy' to consume chlorophyll. Without getting deep in chemistry, I will be lost, here is one image. The difference is, in chlorophyll it is a Magnesium (Mg) atom in the middle and in hemoglobin it is an Iron (Fe) atom. Otherwise very very similar! There will be posts about it later. For now the image.

day 8, june 4

Drinking the periodic table!

The periodic table contains 118 known elements. 98 of them exists in nature in natural form. The rest are produced by man. Wheat is a well-tested food source; after all it has been around since the beginning of civilisation and we are still around on the planet. Maybe time has come to use wheat in the form of juice instead of bread; use the energy directly in it's essence form?

Wheat and Humanity is walking hand in hand. All changes brings with many kinds of reactions. Drinking wheat grass is just a new concept for many and reactions and comments are natural. Just try to change a routine in a company. People do not want to change. You hit a wall of resistance. Information, new way of looking at life and 'things' and nutrition facts are the keys. Drinking wheat grass juice, instead of eating wheat in solid form, are just a more efficient way of intake of nutrition. Maximum efficiency. One step closer to the source in the (light)production chain. Improvement. Wheat and humanity still walk hand in hand, the path is just taking another turn.

Wheat grass contains over 100 elements. 92 of them are absorbed when growing seeds in soil. A shot of wheat grass is like drinking the entire periodic table!

day 9, june 5

visible effects of consuming chlorophyll

When nutrition talk has little or no effect to people who cling to the 'rabbit' thing. My answer is simply this: The skin texture becomes smooth like a peach. No wrinkles. No grey hair. The shot of wheat grass is then consumed within 3 secs! More about nutrition in other posts.

day 10, june 6

"And the fat lady sings..."

We will continue the grass talk in another tray!